
my slide

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


There are mornings that we wake up and feel that we’re not in the mood, that we don’t feel like going anywhere, don’t feel like talking to anybody nor seeing anyone, feeling all alone, feeling helpless and depressed…all u want to do is to stay in bed, stare at the ceiling…thinking nothing…BLANK!

Oh well, sometimes when we look back, we sees nothing but Blank…it seems our life is clueless….Empty!...that you’re looking for something that’s lacking in your life….did u figure it out why? And what’s lacking?

No matter how busy we are, we need to reflect, we need to stop, look and listen…days
are passing so fast that we have to stop and take it slow, we do shortcuts so we could go to our destinations faster, but we have to look to see if we’re going into the right direction, we talk fast that we didn’t dare to listen, maybe we just don’t notice, God is talking to us, and is reaching for us. ahhh the world is getting complicated, it’s suffocating….we need to breathe….

That’s why we need to have time for ourselves. We need somebody to talk and listen to. Life is two way traffic, we need to understand everything in order to be understood. And really, life is too short, so we need to appreciate whatever we have and we need to show our love to the people that surrounds us, especially our family...coz if we let it pass, time cannot be taken back anymore…

So let’s share our happiness to one another, enjoy the beauty of life, the joy of being with our love ones, make each day a special day, and let’s give love to one another. Forget the past and focus on what’s happening today and smile to each other….LET’S NOT ALLOW BLANK SPACE FILL OUR LIFE… Let’s fill it with unselfish love..go out and make friends...
smile like this and say....