me,tatit and amy

Being frontliners,we are trained to have a voice with a smile especially when we were talking to subscribers because it's just our voice that they can hear,and when you dial either 109 or 108,you'll hear a pleasant voice that i bet made u wonder if that person is as sweet and as beautiful as her voice now you'll see there's more to it than
Before,it was only our voice that used to travel around the world,now,it's them who are everywhere!and it's nice to see them happy and already have their own family.The ladies that you used to only hear are for real,with emotions and with feelings.
It's really a pleasure to be in touch with them again,this time,although the others are too far away now,still,the power of the internet is amazing.we can still see each other thru webcams,and the voice with a smile?it will always be there.soothing and comforting....
Nice to talk and see you again ladies....
some good ol' pics with my pldt friends!

batch 140 during our happy days...taken at the The Mansion,Baguio City
This pic was taken july of this year when tess(standing from left)
had her vacation here.

inside the operation with me and my good friend shine